
IG Menkul Değerler is a purpose-led global fintech that has been at the forefront of trading innovation since 1974. Our clients are ambitious, and are looking to take control of their financial future. Our award-winning products, our educational content and our platforms empower these ambitious people the world over to unlock opportunities around the clock, giving them access to around 19,000 financial markets.

IG Menkul Değerler Holdings plc is an established member of the FTSE 250 and was given a long-term investment grade credit rating of BBB- with a stable outlook from Fitch Ratings in September 2021.

Active clients in FY22
Offices worldwide

Financial Highlights 2022

We have achieved outstanding financial performance while continuing our journey to become a more diversified, innovative, global fintech.

Total Revenue1
(2021: £837.6m)
Profit before tax2
(2021: £446.0m)
Basic earnings per share3
(2021: 99.8p)
Net own funds generated from operations
(2021: £422.8m)
Total dividend per share
(2021: 43.2p)
  • Total revenue includes £5.8 million foreign exchange hedging gain associated with the financing of the tastytrade acquisition. On an adjusted basis, total revenue was £967.3m.
  • Profit before tax includes £33.7 million of costs and recurring non-cash costs associated with the tastytrade acquisition and integration and £3.3 million relating to the sale of Nadex and Small Exchange. On an adjusted basis, profit before tax was £494.3m.
  • Earnings per share include £1.0 million of accelerated financing expense associated with the debt issuance. On an adjusted basis, basic earnings per share was 96.3 pence.


“This has been an exciting year of growth and progress as we live our purpose.”

Record performance
Focus on capital stewardship
Continuing to strengthen our leadership
Supporting our people
Mike McTighe

“Today we are a purpose-led fintech delivering outstanding results.”

A purpose-led, global fintech
Playing our part in our communities
Delivering on our promises
Foundations for success
Capital management and liquidity
June Felix
Chief Executive Officer

“Another year of record revenue performance puts us in a very strong financial position as we execute our strategy to become a more diversified business.”

Operating costs
Earnings per share
Regulatory capital
Charles A Rozes
Chief Financial Officer

Strategic Update

Core markets+

Our Core markets+ portfolio includes our most established businesses, which have been around for a number of years, and have an existing market share. This includes all of our OTC businesses outside of the US, as well as our stock trading businesses.

We anticipate portfolio growth to be slightly above market growth as we continue to win market share across our locations, including some of our faster-growing, newer businesses, such as Japan.

Our focus in this portfolio is on continuing to service our high-value client base, ensuring reliable access to our platforms, customer support, online content and a wide range of markets to trade.

Medium-term growth forecast
Core markets+ revenue
(2021: £825.2m)
Number of stock trading clients
(2021: 89,500)
Japan revenue
(FY22: £98.5m, FY21: £68.7m)
High Potential markets

Our High Potential markets portfolio includes our newer businesses which have significant addressable markets. This includes all of our Exchanged Traded Derivative (ETD) businesses, as well as our Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer (RFED) in the US.

We anticipate growth of around 25-30% over the medium term in this portfolio as we believe that these businesses will be able to grow market share quickly, as they expand into the large addressable markets.

The businesses within this portfolio require additional attention from our management team to ensure the correct strategic decisions are made during their early growth stages.

Medium-term growth forecast
Tastyworks growth
MTF growth
High Potential markets clients

Purpose And Values

Our purpose

Our blueprint for the future.

It will deliberately stretch us for years to come. It provides us with a fundamental question against which to assess decisions – ‘is what we’re doing powering the pursuit of financial freedom for the ambitious?’ – to apply to our decisions. It requires us to have a deep understanding of our clients, and to continue to diversify into new markets and products.

As we make further progress towards achieving our purpose, we will enable more people to become financially self-reliant and therefore make a greater contribution to society.

Business Model

IG enables clients to access trading opportunities in a wide range of markets – including stock indices, individual shares, forex, interest rates and commodities – through online dealing platforms and exchanges.

Our resources
  • Continued investment in product development and resilience
  • Award-winning options platform
  • Direct market access (DMA) platform
  • Sophisticated web application programming interface (API)
  • Range of leading-edge tools and charting to inform clients
Brand and reputation
  • Global leader in online trading, trusted partner for over 380,000 active clients
  • FTSE 250 company with £3.1 billion market cap as at 31 May 2022 and a long history of profitability and financial strength
  • Content with cutting-edge research and actionable trading insights
  • Client surveys show our reputation is one of the top reasons they choose us
People and culture
  • Culture expressed through values – ‘champion the client’, ‘learn fast together’, and ‘raise the bar’
  • Tradition of innovation throughout the business
  • Experienced Executive team who understand our clients
Financial capacity
  • High level of cash generation and liquidity
  • Strong balance sheet with the financial capacity to support business growth
Our products

Our resources and strengths as a business come together to provide four products for our clients:

  • Contracts For Difference (CFDs)
  • OTC FX
  • OTC options
  • On-exchange leveraged securities (EU)
  • Options and futures (US)
Stock trading
  • Share trading
  • IG Smart Portfolios (in association with BlackRock)
  • ISA and SIPPs (via share trading)
Content and education
  • 10hrs daily live programming
  • News and original content
  • Webinars and tutorials
Market risk management

We look to support our clients at all stages of their journey.

This starts with our onboarding process, continues through to our educational offerings, client service support and trade execution, which always benefits the client.

This can also be seen in the risk management model in our OTC business, which is a key differentiating feature for us as a business.

We offset client exposures and hedge any residual exposure in excess of pre-agreed risk limits in the external market.

This is key to our business model. It also allows us to manage our market risk while lowering our cost of hedging, And by hedging residual exposure, it means that our interests are aligned with those of our clients.

Creating value for our stakeholders
Delivering attractive returns across an increasingly diversified business from a strong financial position.
Providing a quality global platform, excellent client service and a range of distinctive educational content to support the trading of our ambitious clients.
Playing our part to support our communities, with a focus on financial literacy and the environment.
Recruiting, retaining, and engaging our people through an inclusive environment that enables them to develop as professionals with best-in-class resources, training and support.

Business Model

IG enables clients to access trading opportunities in a wide range of markets – including stock indices, individual shares, forex, interest rates and commodities – through online dealing platforms and exchanges.

Our Resources
  • Continued investment in product development and resilience
  • Award-winning options platform
  • Direct market access (DMA) platform
  • Sophisticated web application programming interface (API)
  • Range of leading-edge tools and charting to inform clients
Brand and reputation
  • Global leader in online trading, trusted partner for over 380,000 active clients
  • FTSE 250 company with £3.1 billion market cap as at 31 May 2022 and a long history of profitability and financial strength
  • Content with cutting-edge research and actionable trading insights
  • Client surveys show our reputation is one of the top reasons they choose us
People and culture
  • Culture expressed through values – ‘champion the client’, ‘learn fast together’, and ‘raise the bar’
  • Tradition of innovation throughout the business
  • Experienced Executive team who understand our clients
Financial capacity
  • High level of cash generation and liquidity
  • Strong balance sheet with the financial capacity to support business growth
Our Products

Our resources and strengths as a business come together to provide four products for our clients:

  • Contracts For Difference (CFDs)
  • OTC FX
  • OTC options
  • On-exchange leveraged securities (EU)
  • Options and futures (US)
Stock trading
  • Share trading
  • IG Smart Portfolios (in association with BlackRock)
  • ISA and SIPPs (via share trading)
Content and education
  • 10hrs daily live programming
  • News and original content
  • Webinars and tutorials
Market risk management

We look to support our clients at all stages of their journey.

This starts with our onboarding process, continues through to our educational offerings, client service support and trade execution, which always benefits the client.

This can also be seen in the risk management model in our OTC business, which is a key differentiating feature for us as a business.

We offset client exposures and hedge any residual exposure in excess of pre-agreed risk limits in the external market.

This is key to our business model. It also allows us to manage our market risk while lowering our cost of hedging, And by hedging residual exposure, it means that our interests are aligned with those of our clients.

Creating value for our stakeholders
Delivering attractive returns across an increasingly diversified business from a strong financial position.
Providing a quality global platform, excellent client service and a range of distinctive educational content to support the trading of our ambitious clients.
Playing our part to support our communities, with a focus on financial literacy and the environment.
Recruiting, retaining, and engaging our people through an inclusive environment that enables them to develop as professionals with best-in-class resources, training and support.

ESG - Our Brighter Future framework

IG enables clients to access trading opportunities in a wide range of markets – including stock indices, individual shares, forex, interest rates and commodities – through online dealing platforms and exchanges.

Our tools give people access to the financial markets and support that, we produce a huge range of excellent financial education materials. we on-board our clients responsibily and are vigilant for client vulnerability.
By proudly developing a diverse and inclusive team of talented people, where wellbeing comes first and ambition is nurtured, we improve our employees’ lives.
We amplify our impact through meaningfull collaboration with like-minded partners to champion responsible business, education and the environment throughout our supply chain.
Best Practice
We want to raise the bar for business. This means we are governed by accountable leadership, uphold exemplary ethics, and are transparent in our communications.
Financial education
Onboarding and safeguards
Data security
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Talent development
Educational equality
Streamlined energy and carbon reporting
Best Practice
Business ethics
Accountable leadership
Open and transparent